The SUBWAY® brand.
The product:
Thank you for contacting SUBWAY® Restaurants. Your feedback is important
to the SUBWAY® brand.....Note: This e-mail message is automatically generated as part of our automated e-mail system. Please do not reply to this e-mail address as this mailbox account is not monitored. ( <<<that's my favorite part)
When I made my own sandwich:
When you trade your time and effort for promissory notes such as U.S. Dollars, you expect to be able to redeem those notes for goods and services. If you buy a sandwich that cannot be eaten then you were working for nothing. When corporations take your time and do not reimburse you, you are being enslaved. SUBWAY® enslaved me last Monday. Their refusal to acknowledge their mistake or even contact me is simply a sign of the times. It's an ever widening gap between the upper echelons of the corporate world and everybody else.